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Rick's D&D style psionics for TFT. Post 2


Note that the number of points in the psychic pool is public information to all players. (Psion's minds glow with the potential energies held in their pools.) It is suggested that all psions say how many points they have in their pool at the start of each turn.

Note that psionics is not magic and totally ignores magical spells, magical barriers, rune lines, etc. High tech can create bio-psychic devices that manipulates psionics, but this is very high level technology. Some alien species can boost psionic abilities in humans and some drugs can affect psionics.

It is possible for a PC psion to be in bad trouble and not able to communicate this to the other players at the game table. The players are asked to not take advantage of information that they do not have in character. However, the GM can hint that their companion is in trouble by having them sweat, veins stand out on their face, slight or major shaking. Other physiological signs of distress may exhibit themselves as well tho the listed ones are the most common.

Psions can sense nearby minds. They are not normally able to READ those minds, but those of their friends are familiar and can be recognized. A psion can also detect the race of each mind, and get a general feel of if it is asleep, mediating, alert, in pain, or excited.

Battle of Wills:

Note that these rules refer to Battle of Wills, which are published on Brainac's TFT site. Please go to this location for these rules:


Note that a battle of wills with a demon to force it to give you a wish will take from 30 to 90 seconds. The battle of wills in these rules are much quicker and last only one turn. Battle of wills with a demon are X:X–2vsIQ rolls, so if you choose to roll 7 dice vs IQ, the demon must roll 5vsIQ.

In these rules, you will see battle of wills like X:XvsIQ (if you choose to roll 5vsIQ, your opponent must also roll 5vsIQ), or X:X+1vsIQ (if you choose to roll 5vsIQ, then your opponent must roll 6vsIQ). Also note that the person who initiates the battle of will must make their roll, and their opponent must fail their roll. If both make it or if both fail it is a tie. If the attacker fails, or if there is a tie, the battle of wills does not succeed, and the attacker has not earned the reward he or she is attempting to gain.

The Infernate attack (in the touch transfer mode) is much like a battle of wills, but it uses a PSIvsPSI contest.


Making a psionic attack is considered an attack which takes a full turn. You may not defend, cast a spell, change weapons, etc. on the turn that you make a psionic attack. Defending against a psionic attack is a free action.

When determining what order that psionic character act in, they use their IQ rather than DX to determine when in the combat order they act in. So Cye above, with an IQ 16, would attack at the same time as DX 16 figures in the combat. A key advantage in psionic combat is a high IQ as it allows you to attack before mentally slower figures.

At the start of the turn, each psion must secretly write down their planned attack mode and defence mode (described below), and the target of their attack. This forms a guessing game, tho it is sometimes possible to predict what attack or defence an opponent is likely to chose. Since the attacks modes have advantages and disadvantages compared to the various defences, correctly predicting the opponent's plans is a big advantage.

It is suggested that a set of cards are created, with one for each attack mode: listing the attack's name, its cost to use, and a summary of its effects. Also make a card which says, “No Attack”, and three “Not attacking this figure” cards. The attack card is placed in a way showing who is being attacked. (If the psion wishes to be coy about who is being attacked, a few of the “not attacking this figure” cards can be used as well.) A similar set of defence cards is made (along with a card saying “No Defence”).

Each turn, a psion, will pick an attack and defence card. When the attack is made, the attack card is shown and the cost is spent from the psychic pool. If someone is psionically attacked, their defence card is shown and the cost to mount the defence is spent. Note that if a psion is not attacked in the round, no points are spent from the pool to mount the defence.

The purpose of these cards is to save time writing down the options each turn.

Remember that a psion attacks in the turn order equal to their IQ. If a psion takes damage before their attack is made, the attack is wasted and the psychic pool point cost planned for it is wasted. This is called a fizzle. Thus if you have no defence vs. a psion, she can be neutralized for a turn if you can do her damage before she attacks. Beginning psions have a low range for their effects, so they tend to be in reach of melee fighters or archers.

If the situation has changed when the psion's turn to act comes up, they may abort their attack (saving the points they would have spent from their pychic pool), but they can not choose a new psionic attack nor may they chose a new target for their current attack. They must wait until next turn to form a new attack against a target of their choice.